Nonesuch Gallery at the Maas Gallery

We have the pleasure of hosting Tom Mendel of Nonesuch Gallery during London Art Week, 30 June - 7 July. His new catalouge on the theme of travel through the centuries is availble to view here.


Particular highlights within the catalogue are a group of works on paper by an unusually large and highly-finished drawing by Nicolaes Berchem; an outstanding drawing by Gaspar Dughet, one of a group formerly in the collection of Sir Benjamin West P.R.A.;  a pair of watercolours by Hubert Robert, which are directly connected to his famous series of prints Les Soirées  de Rome; a newly attributed drawing of Rome by Nicolas Vleughels; and a hitherto unpublished drawing of one of Britain's most famous classical sculptures by Jonathan Richardson. Further rediscoveries include works by Abraham de Verwer, Nicolas Vleughels, Abraham Ducros, Nicolas-Didier Boguet, Jean-Michel Moreau le Jeune, John ‘Warwick’ Smith, and Victor-Jean Nicolle. 


The majority of the subjects in this catalogue are Italian, a particular focus of the gallery's; however, we are always keen to show as wide and as interesting a breadth of pieces as we can, and this catalogue includes paintings, drawings, and watercolours by artists from across Europe and America. The catalogue spans eras, from the early Bentveughel community of Northern artists in Rome to the fascinating an overlooked American artist Harry Humphrey Moore at the turn of the 19th century, and locations, from Tivoli to Tokyo. 

30 June 2023